Top Vision And Eye Supplements

Top Vision And Eye Supplements

When it comes to looking after our bodies, it is important that we do all that we can to ensure our organs function correctly and are well maintained and well looked after, including our sensory organs. Obviously it’s important to look after our hearts, lungs, livers, kidneys etc, but a couple of organs that are often overlooked (no pun intended) and taken for granted, are our eyes. Our eyes let us see what is going on in front of us, and sadly, as we grow older, our eyesight gradually begins to deteriorate and get worse and worse with each passing year. Combine this with the fact that many people earn a living by working in front of computer screens and monitors for seven or more hours a day, five days per week, as well as the amount of TV we watch, and it’s no wonder why so many people are wearing glasses, contact lenses, or, if they can afford it, are having laser eye surgery. As the eyes are organs like any other part of our bodies, there are things that we can do to help make them healthier and more efficient, including taking supplements. Here we’ll be taking a look (again, no pun intended) at some of the top vision and eye supplements currently available on the market today.

Zeaxanthin and lutein

Zeaxanthin And Lutein

Both lutein and zeaxanthin are actually found naturally within the human eye and are potent carotenoids that function by filtering out energy and light from the sun that can harm and damage a part of the retina known as the macula lutea. This is actually a part of the retina that is responsible for allowing the eyes to pick up details in the centre of the eye’s field of vision. Put simply, both lutein, and zeaxanthin, can function almost like a set of sunglasses for the retina, helping to reduce AMD risk, filter out light exposure, and reduce sensitivity in the process. Per day, experts recommend consuming around 4 – 8mg of zeaxanthin per day, along with 6 – 12mg of lutein per day.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are incredibly healthy and beneficial, and are known as essential fatty acids, which basically means that the body cannot synthesize them naturally, and so it has to get them dietary and supplement sources instead. When it comes to the eyes, age-related macular degeneration, or AMD for short, is considered to be brought on, at least partially, as a result of inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids provide a number of health benefits to the body, including being able to provide substantial anti-inflammatory benefits. A number of studies recently conducted, found that individuals who regularly supplemented with omega 3 fatty acids, could actually produce far more tears than people who did not use the supplements, meaning that conditions such as dry-eye, could be improved upon. Omega 3 supplements also contain DHA which helps to keep membranes in the eye healthy and flexible. For optimal results, experts recommend 1000mg of omega 3 fatty acids per day, which could come from supplements, as well as healthy foods such as nuts and oily fish.

Vitamin A

When it comes to eye health, vitamin A is one of the healthiest and most important vitamins you could ever wish for. Vitamin A helps to promote healthy vision, and it can also help to prevent eye floaters and blurred vision as a result. Not only that, but there is also evidence to suggest that vitamin A could help to prevent a number of other eye-related conditions, including glaucoma.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is another supplement that is vastly underused and underappreciated, especially as far as the eyes are concerned. You see, cells found naturally within the retina of the eye have to use up a lot of energy in order for them to function correctly. Coenzyme Q10 is a compound that is actually synthesized naturally within the body, that can function by helping to ensure that mitochondria within the cells are healthy and functioning efficiently in order for them to generate the energy required. Plus, there is evidence to suggest that Coenzyme Q10 can also reduce lens-cell damage caused by excess light exposure. For optimal results, 30mg of Coenzyme Q10 per day will be sufficient enough, unless you take statins, in which case you should increase your dosage to 100 – 200 mg daily, due to the fact that statins can deplete natural Coenzyme Q10 levels in the body.

Bilberry extract

Bilberry extract is actually a supplement derived from a plant closely related to the blueberry. Blueberries, as you probably know, are loaded full of antioxidants and bilberries are no different. Bilberry extract has been found to be so beneficial for the eyes, due mainly to the fact that it can support eye capillary health and can prevent them from strain damage, which in turn can damage the eyes in general.


Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that is found naturally within carrots, as well as other fruits and vegetables as well. If you’ve ever heard people talking about how carrots can help you to see in the dark, these stories actually originated as a result of the beta-carotene found within carrots. Whilst beta-carotene won’t quite be able to help you to be able to see in the dark, what it can do is help promote healthy eyesight and vision in a number of other different ways. When we consume beta-carotene, it is actually converted into vitamin A, which means that we get the same eye and vision benefits, plus a few more, from beta-carotene, as we do with standard vitamin A. As well as promoting healthy vision and eyes, as beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant, it can also protect the cells against damage from free radicals and toxins, meaning that it provides a substantial amount of protection against chronic illnesses and diseases.


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