Regarding Kelly Branton

Regarding Kelly Branton

In light of the recent news regarding Kelly Branton we would like our community to know we stand behind our brand with integrity. Kelly used Canadian Protein for years until his sponsorship had ended some time ago without issues like many other drug tested athletes in the IPF and CPU as well as athletes throughout Canada and around the world, past and present.

Canadian Protein’s products are manufactured in a Health Canada Site licensed facility that follows all cGMP policies, protocols and regulations.

We wish Kelly the best in this trying time and all his future endeavors.

If you have not read Kelly’s statement, we have included it below.

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Truly the hardest post I have ever had to make. CCES just told me the out of competition drug test I had April 23rd was positive for banned substances. Positive! I still can’t get my head around it. It goes against everything I have ever stood for. Anybody who knows me knows what I think about taking drugs in a drug tested federation. Yet, here it is: Methandienone metabolite, Stanozolol metabolites, Ibutamoren, SARM LGD-4033 and metabolite, SARM S-22. But the fact is, they were in the urine and that’s a doping violation. Period. And I had no option but to drop out of worlds. There is NO way I would take banned substances intentionally. But as I have been going down this path with CCES, I have realized that I need to own the fact that this shit was in my body. 12 years of passing drug tests. I would not even check the results because I know I do not have anything to worry about. To just randomly start taking 4 different drugs just makes no sense. I have racked my brain trying to think about what I did and where I was in the three weeks between the clean drug test on March 31st and the dirty drug test on April 23rd. After some of the worst days of my life, I have come to this. There’s nothing I can do about it. They were in my body – and that fact is not going to change whether I try to fight it or not. A hard lesson, but my path is clear. Accept the result. Accept the sanction. Nothing in my life compares to the feeling I had opening up that positive test email. I literally threw up and was panicking uncontrollably. I started thinking about my powerlifting family who I have loved for the past 12+ years. Powerlifting is my life. I treated this amateur sport like a full- time job and put my life into it. PL saved me from going down the wrong path in life and kept me complete. I fought back after breaking my back and went on to medal many times. But there is no fighting this violation. My heart is breaking thinking about not seeing my PL friends and competing with them. Not being able to train at the power pit, especially not being able to train with my brother and best friend Ron Strong. This is truly my darkest period. Now I have to figure out my life.

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