In health and fitness circles, these days, it seems as if supplements are just as commonplace as push ups. Whilst it is indeed true that, thanks to the huge advances in medicine, research, and technology, supplements are better than ever, that certainly does not make them the be-all and end-all when it comes to health and fitness. As supplements have now advanced and evolved at such an astonishing rate, we now have supplements that can help us build muscle, we have ones which can burn fat, we have ones which give us energy, we have ones that promote all around wellness in general, and much more besides. In actual fact, we now have supplements designed to address all kinds of issues, and to treat all kinds of various ailment in the process. If chosen correctly, certain supplements can prove to be very worthwhile investments, but did you know that, in order to get the most from your supplements, you need to use them in a certain way? Every day, people all over the globe part with their money in exchange for supplements, and use them incorrectly, which basically means that they’ve wasted their money. To ensure you aren’t one of these people here’s a look at some everyday supplement mistakes that people often make, and what you can do to avoid making them yourself.
Not being clear on how much of a certain nutrient is required per day

When experts recommend a certain intake of calcium, and other minerals for that matter, per day, these are not intakes that should be adhered to exactly. For example, if health officials recommend 1500mg of calcium per day, this does not mean you should get exactly 1500mg of calcium each day. It simply means that it is your maximum daily intake. People often find themselves worrying and stressing over getting exactly 1500mg per day, as they think that anything slightly under, or slightly above, will be no good to them. In reality, these are just guidelines so don’t stress if you take in 1400mg one day, or 1500mg the next.
Not considering whole food sources
Again, if we stick with calcium as an example, and look at the 1500mg recommended
Not taking fat soluble vitamins with fats
Consuming supplements at the wrong time of day

Choosing the cheapest supplements you can find
Nobody wants to waste money and spend more than they have to, but with supplements, and anything else for that matter, you get what you pay for. If you come across a whey protein concentrate powder from an un-reputable brand, for a very cheap price, you can almost guarantee that the powder itself, will not be anywhere near as good as a whey protein from a more reputable brand. Cheap whey concentrates can actually be as low as 60% protein per serving, meaning that the remaining 40% will come from carbohydrates and fats. Good quality whey concentrates should be at least 80% pure protein, and sadly, a cheap whey just is not going to cut it. You certainly don’t need to spend a fortune on expensive brands, but don’t look for the cheapest supps you can find either, or you just will not see or feel the benefits.