4 Of The Best Sources Of Protein To Aid In Muscle Growth

4 Of The Best Sources Of Protein To Aid In Muscle Growth

In order to benefit from optimal health and fitness, experts recommend engaging in at least three hour’s worth of physical activity per week, in conjunction with a healthy and balanced diet. Proper nutrition is vitally important for anybody looking to boost their health and fitness yet unfortunately not too many people are aware of this, or if they are, they tend to ignore it and consume unhealthy foods instead. If you’re looking to boosting your health and fitness, as well as your self-confidence and your physique in general, you may wish to engage in weight and resistance training in order to build lean muscle mass and burn body fat. To help get the most out of your weight training and to help promote muscle growth, it is recommended that individuals consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. That means a 200lb man would require 200 grams of protein per day. The protein must come from healthy and beneficial sources however, so here’s a look at 4 examples of the best possible protein sources.

Wild salmon

Protein is vital for muscle growth and repair as it helps initiate protein synthesis following intense workouts in which muscle tissue has become damaged and destroyed. Wild salmon is a fantastic protein source as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which help promote muscle growth, immunity, brain function, joint health, and much more on top of that. These healthy fats also help increase the metabolism and lower bad cholesterol levels. If possible, always go for wild salmon as the minerals and fatty acids it contains will be much greater than farmed salmon, as will the protein content.



For years, people were convinced that eggs were the devil incarnate. Words and phrases such as “cholesterol boosting” and “Heart attack” were often used in the same sentence as the word “eggs”. New research however, has revealed that whilst eggs do contain cholesterol, it is “good” HDL cholesterol they contain, which helps to lower the harmful LDL cholesterol which contributes towards heart disease and blocked arteries. Not only this, but eggs also boost a complete amino acid profile, contain every single amino acid required by the body. They are also high in protein, versatile, and rich in minerals and B vitamins too.


Red meat is another food that has gotten a lot of unfair bad press over the years, due to a lack of research and misinformation. Yes, like anything, too much red meat can be bad for our health and it can lead to kidney troubles, but if we consume it in sensible amounts, we can benefit greatly. Red meat is a fantastic source of protein, but it is the mineral content that helps make it even more beneficial. Beef is rich in iron which a vital mineral necessary for the formation of haemoglobin, which helps transport oxygen around the body via the blood. The more oxygen our cells receive, the harder they work, and that includes those in the muscles. Be wary of fatty cuts of beef such as ribeye, and opt for leaner cuts such as rump.

Whey protein

If you’re looking to build muscle, a protein supplement is a must and whey protein is the most popular health and fitness supplement in the entire world. Whey protein comes from milk and the whey is a by-product left behind when milk is turned into cheese. The whey is then dried, filtered, and turned into powder form, where it is then combined with other healthy ingredients and flavourings, to create a high protein powder that can be mixed with milk or water. One serving of a typical whey protein powder contains around 35g of protein, making it perfect for anybody looking to increase their protein intake.


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